Family Law Attorney in Pittsburgh - Free Phone Consultation

Knowledge. Prospective clients are often confused about how to proceed with divorce, custody, support, and connected issues. If you have legal questions, we will do our best to answer them. Other times, our prospective clients have been served with legal papers and need to know their rights. If you require representation at court, we welcome the opportunity to be your law firm.

Experience. We handle all types of motions, conferences, hearings, conciliations, and trials and can also handle your appeal. Our consistent track record of uncompromising ethics instills confidence and trust. We use the latest technologies, which allow us to respond quickly and give you the most relevant information and perspectives. Let us put our knowledge to work for you.

Strength. Mr. Levine handles all aspects of Pittsburgh, PA, domestic relations matters and family law cases including: Divorce, Custody, Child Support, Spousal Support, Equitable Distribution, Alimony and Protection from Abuse. Always adapting on the fly as issues arise for all cases and in court.

Toughness. is the family law website for Scott L. Levine, an attorney who provides legal representation to individuals and families in and around the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, area. We are dedicated to providing knowledgeable services with professionalism, respect, and care.

The Basics

Be informed, and learn more about custody laws and other family legal matters. Contact us if you have questions.

Attorney Profile

Put your case in the hands of a highly qualified and well-respected attorney. Mr. Levine is a seasoned family law attorney.


Are you considering filing for divorce? Speak to our compassionate lawyer if you need to know your options.

Contact us

To schedule a free phone consultation with a local attorney. We proudly serve clients in Pittsburgh and throughout Allegheny County in Western Pennsylvania.