Mushroom Family Learning Center

1240 Washington Road
Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania  15228

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Mushroom Family Learning Center, Pittsburgh

At Mushroom Family Learning Center we believe what happens during a child's preschool experience is important. By providing a trusting atmosphere with mutual respect between teacher and child, a child is free to grow in social, emotional and academic areas. Our small student teacher ratio, helps our teachers nourish, stimulate, support, and recognize the uniqueness of each child. This enables the child to discover the special gifts that lie within. We find that when we nurture a child's self esteem the child can be the source of much of his/her development. The teacher serves as a guide to be consulted in the child's discoveries, with emphasis on the child's self control rather than teacher control of the child. We strive to help children resolve conflicts in ways that do not damage self-esteem. By using the language of acceptance, the teacher conveys to the child the trustworthiness of his/her feelings. This acceptance gives Mushroom Family children the freedom to try, to fail, and to


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