Caliban Bookshop

410 South Craig St.
Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania  15213

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Caliban Bookshop, Pittsburgh

The Caliban Book Shop specializes in : Literary First Editions, Fine Arts, Poetry, Exploration & Travel, Americana, Philosophy, General Scholarly, Fine Press, and Leatherbound Editions. If PHONING, you'll likely get voicemail, as you are calling a warehouse, but we respond to messages promptly. We also check e-mail daily. PLEASE SPECIFY OUR CATALOG NUMBER WHEN ORDERING. Post or UPS: $5.00 1st class, $2.50 per each addtitional book. Overseas rate calculated at point of sale. Mastercard, Visa, Amex accepted. Checks with order. Books returnable for any reason within two weeks' of receipt. We maintain a large open shop of 25,000 uncatalogued volumes including rare books (like the good old days), and a warehouse of 35,000 volumes that comprises our on-line stock. Come visit when you're in town; we're open seven days and near other shops. We are members of ABAA\ILAB.

